"CHIRP-360" provides for anonymous-capable reporting 24/7. However, this service is not for emergency or '911' type emergencies, or persons-in-crisis. CSC will utilize reported incidents through "CHIRP-360" to pursue SAFETY - ACCOUNTABILITY - ACTION of those entities whose responsibility is continually improving upon safety and security initiatives for all members of the community on and around campus. CHIRP-360 reports are only reviewed M-FRI (9A-5P).
In its mission to create safer university and college campuses... for all stakeholders, including students, employees, and the surrounding community, Campus Safety Coalition (CSC) has partnered with 360 Security Services (360) to provide a safety/security/wellness incident reporting link (known as "CHIRP-360") to the community in and around the University of Minnesota (Twin Cities). This is meant to provide an alternate reporting method for concerning behavior or incidents by stakeholders of the campus community. This is not meant to be a replacement to other methods of reporting already available to stakeholders by area law enforcement, school, or community reporting options. CHIRP-360 is a "community empowering" resource to build safer and secure environments. See below for alternate forms of reporting in the Community.
CSC recognizes that some people or entities may have hesitation to report concerning behavior, incidents, or wellness issues through current methods or to certain organizations for various reasons. As a result, CSC wants to offer this alternate ability to report anonymously (if wanted) to bring attention to concerns. As such, CSC will respect anonymity when requested, but will communicate all reported incidents to relevant law enforcement, school, business/residence, or other community stakeholders. CSC will utilize its voice and that of its supporters to ensure concerns are addressed and opportunities to mitigate problems or safety/security concerns are exploited. Persons reporting incidents should know that if they report 'anonymously', it will not be possible for CSC or other stakeholders to follow-up and acquire additional information if necessary to resolve certain incidents.
UMN offers various reporting options directly. Information about these options can be located on the UMN website at: https://eot.umn.edu/report-misconduct
Emergencies: 911
Non-Emergencies: 311
Hearing Impaired: TTY: 612-263-6850
2nd Precinct: 612-673-5702
911 Central Ave., NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418
Email: police@minneapolismn.gov
Report a Complaint: https://www.minneapolismn.gov/report-an-issue/
Emergencies: 988
Resource Info: https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/suicide/mnresponse/988.html
Website: https://dayoneservices.org/calling-the-crisis-hotline/
Hotline (24/7): 1-866-223-1111